People tend to notice little to no discomfort during the actual procedure. This is in direct contrast to the old methods of yesteryear when modern pain-management techniques were more archaic and less efficient. The medical advancements in today’s pain-management techniques ensure a comfortable and pleasing experience for a person undertaking a hair-transplant procedure.
A mild sedative is given before the procedure to help ease any apprehensiveness or nervousness. Local anesthetic is also administered in the area that the procedure is performed, although there usually is no feeling as a result of the previously administered sedative.
Some occasional mild sensitivity can be experienced on the night of the procedure in the donor area. A prescription for a pain reliever is given to most patients, but simple over-the-counter medicine usually will take care of what is only a temporary discomfort for most people.
The procedure didn’t hurt, but recovery took a bit longer than I expected and I had a bit more pain than I thought I’d have- that being said, I would do it again.
Anonymous - December 16, 2021
No pain, no gain.
Brian Deakins - October 28, 2021
A little discomfort the first couple nights where the grafts were harvested but not painful.
Gregg - October 28, 2021
Not at all.
J.H. - October 19, 2021
No pain at all, slight tightness.
K.K. - October 15, 2021
No, there is no pain during the procedure, and only minor discomfort for the first couple of days after the procedure.
Rohil Daya - July 24, 2021
The first day isn’t bad, day 2 through 5 are the worst with swelling.
Anonymous - July 15, 2021
As a medical procedure pain is expected, with treatment and care taking this can be minimalized.
Tyler Ames - June 23, 2021
No pain.
Joe Harter - May 25, 2021
Minor discomfort. Everything was manageable.
Anonymous - May 25, 2021
In the beginning it started out rough with the stitches being in my head but the transplant area didn’t bother me as much as I thought.
Anonymous - May 5, 2021
In the beginning it started out rough with the stitches being in my head, but the transplanted area didn’t bother me as much as I thought.
Will Johnson - May 4, 2021
Nope! The pain is localized. You have a headache following the surgery, but as the swelling subsides there are no issues.
David Schrumpf - April 27, 2021
It was more uncomfortable to sleep than pain. “Zero gravity chair” is the answer to that.
Josh Mullins - March 17, 2021
First 2 weeks there is some pain & discomfort but subsides after that.
Seth Puckett - March 3, 2021
I never experienced any pain and I have an extremely low pain tolerance. The itching was unpleasant, but not painful. The itching subsided after a few days.
Ryan Denney - February 23, 2021
Procedure itself does not hurt. Post op – there is some discomfort but not unbearable.
C.W. - February 18, 2021
There is some discomfort and swelling for about a week but otherwise, pain is not excruciating.
Anonymous - January 20, 2021
No. Tenderness for a few months.
Kurt Vetters - January 14, 2021
The procedure wasn’t painful at all. Mild soreness around the suture only lasted for about a week.
Anonymous - December 16, 2020
Not during surgery. A little discomfort while harvest area heals.
Anonymous - July 24, 2020
I had minimal pain for 1st 24-48 hours.
Dr. K.A. - June 24, 2020
Mildly for the first few days.
Anonymous - January 23, 2020
The procedure doesn’t hurt and after a few days there isn’t much pain at all.
Anonymous - January 6, 2020
Hurt? No. A little discomfort for the first several days, yes. It’s surgery and to be expected. The healing process is quick.
K.R. - November 22, 2019
There was mild pain and tenderness in the days following the procedure.
Michael O’Hara - November 5, 2019
I was only uncomfortable for maybe a week after the procedure. Pain wasn’t bad.
Blake Elliott - October 11, 2019
A little mild pain but it’s worth it.
Anonymous - October 10, 2019
Slight discomfort the first few days following the procedure.
E.W. - October 3, 2019
The grafts do not hurt much, but there will be some slightly bothersome swelling for a few days.
Darrin Danhauer - October 2, 2019
No pain that I noticed, a couple Tylenol for discomfort.
Bill Lyons - September 10, 2019
Jeff Jackson - August 30, 2019
Not really – it is a little “itchy” or “tingly” for a few days, but not an impediment. Sleeping is a bit of a challenge for the first 7-10 days because of having to keep head in the right position, but nothing more than that.
Peter Bitar - August 22, 2019
It was a little uncomfortable, but bearable for the great result.
J.W. - August 14, 2019
There was no alarming pain. In fact, it was never beyond a mild pain even at worst.
Anonymous - August 6, 2019
I did not experience pain but soreness at the harvest area for 2 weeks.
Steven Smith - June 17, 2019
I did not feel a thing during the procedure. I was very comfortable for the whole thing. After the procedure, it was nothing that a little medication and ice packs couldn’t fix.
Anonymous - March 21, 2019
No pain in grafted area. Slight discomfort in the area where the hair was removed. Everything was very easy.
Ray Anderson - March 12, 2019
Not as much as you would think. Much easier than expected.
Allen C. - February 20, 2019
There was some slight discomfort the day of the procedure. I felt some tightness in the back of my head as well. I was easily able to manage the discomfort with a cold compress.
J.K. - January 29, 2019
I did not experience any pain during the procedure.
Kevin Link - January 25, 2019
Not for me. I only took Tylenol but I had stronger stuff if I needed it.
Tony M. - January 14, 2019
There is some slight discomfort in that first 2-3 days but it wasn’t an issue.
Anonymous - December 22, 2018
There was slight discomfort in the first few days. Well worth the time, the small inconvenience, and the money.
Anonymous - November 8, 2018
I had 2-3 days of light discomfort but nothing that was not manageable.
Anonymous - November 7, 2018
At first I had some mild pain for a couple of days.
G.P. - November 3, 2018
No pain, never used any painkillers. It was sore but never painful.
B.J. - October 10, 2018
There is no pain involved. Start to finish you won’t feel a thing.
Jay P. - September 29, 2018
There was no discomfort during the procedure. I had a little bit afterwards as the scalp healed.
Anonymous - September 7, 2018
There was a little discomfort after the procedure but nothing major.
J.S. - September 7, 2018
Minor soreness on scalp for a day. Nothing that wasn’t expected. No procedure pains.
B.A. - August 2, 2018
After the procedure there was discomfort in the donor area, which they prescribed meds to help. After the first day these little to no discomfort!
BS - June 11, 2018
The procedure was totally painless. There was some mild soreness post-procedure, but this was minimal and resolved quickly.
Anonymous - May 29, 2018
The procedure did not hurt. There was a small amount of discomfort from some swelling and some in the donor area, but it is very minimal.
Anonymous - April 21, 2018
Very little discomfort. Really no pain just a little sore in the donor area for a couple of days.
Steve M. - April 4, 2018
No. My scalp felt somewhat numb for a while, but it gradually went away – has been normal for a long time now.
J.C. - April 4, 2018
Not really. There is some discomfort, but that goes away after a few days.
Jeff Williams - April 3, 2018
No. Outside of the little pain on the first night there was no pain and no pain during the actual procedure.
T.M. - March 6, 2018
I did have some mild pain for the first 2 days. I was given some medication and was able to manage it that way.
Jeff Cook - March 6, 2018
There was a tiny bit of discomfort after the procedure from the donor site but that went away quickly. I experienced no discomfort at all during the actual procedure.
Dan Way - March 2, 2018
I would not describe having any pain, minimal discomfort at most. I didn’t need any pain medication.
James Canady - March 1, 2018
3500 DePauw Blvd. Suite 2011 Indianapolis, IN 46268. (317) 522-2995