The newest VIP, Don Stuck, from Q95 Stuck and Gunner has had his Multi-Unit Hair Graftingâ„¢ procedure, a trademarked and exclusive procedure only performed at PAI in Indianapolis. Multi-Unit Hair Graftingâ„¢ is a state of the art hair transplant procedure, which allows for more donor hair to be placed at one time than any other typical transplant methods. With over 12 years of experience, PAI Medical Group of Indiana has become the gold standard for permanent and natural results in hair transplantation. For those of you that may be new to our website or are just now looking into hair restoration and are curious what a hair transplant procedure looks like from start to finish, this is a must see video for you!
Watch a Hair Transplant - Don Stuck Q95 Stuck and Gunner
Clinic Director Darren Andrews explains the artistic approach with the Multi-Unit Hair Graftingâ„¢ procedure recreating a natural and permanent hairline for Stuck. The video then stays with Stuck through the entire procedure being done. The genetically permanent hair from the back of the scalp are then transplanted and placed in the balding areas. Stuck had Enhanced Plasma Therapy done with his procedure to ensure the maximum healing in the donor site as well as exponentially increasing the healing process of the grafts in the recipient sites and reinforcing his existing hair. This procedure take 12 months before you get the full results, but we will make sure to give updates every step of the way. Be sure to check back frequently to continue getting the updates throughout his journey!
Here in no time, Stuck will have every radio hosts dream – “Full time radio and part time TV†with his new full head of hair!
Be sure to follow Don Stuck’s progress on Stuck’s very own VIP page. Always be up to date with any new information that may be happening between now and when Stuck reaches his final result 12 months later.
PAI Medical Group of Indiana offers free and private consultations for men and women experiencing all degrees of hair loss, balding, and thinning. During your consultation, you will learn more about PAI Medical Group’s proven hair restoration solutions available: ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant procedure, Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ hair transplantation, Enhanced Plasma Therapy, FDA approved Laser Hair Therapy and Micro-Pigmentation.
Take the next step to look & feel your best again! We'd love to help you with your hair restoration goals. If you'd like more information, or to set up a FREE consultation to meet with one of our trained professionals to discuss your concerns and hair loss treatment options, please fill out your email address here.
3500 DePauw Blvd. Suite 2011 Indianapolis, IN 46268. (317) 522-2995