Today’s modern hair transplantation techniques are totally natural. The older “plug” or “corn row” type procedures are no longer commonplace. The key to a natural result is tailoring the procedure to the hair type and needs of the individual. In doing so, it is common to use a number of different graft types in any one procedure. The technology used at PAI, Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™, allows such a blend of graft types. This represents a huge jump forward from the cookie cutter approach and ensures a natural and aesthetically pleasing result. It’s also one reason PAI Medical is considered a hair growth and hair restoration expert.
I love that my hair looks great, even when swimming.
Brian Deakins - October 28, 2021
Very natural.
Gregg - October 28, 2021
They look extremely natural to me, and anyone I tell about the procedure says they never would have guessed I had it done.
J.H. - October 19, 2021
EXTREMELY! Very happy with the new restored hairline.
K.K. - October 15, 2021
The results are very natural, and you can structure your hairline as it suits you best, working together with PAI professionals.
Rohil Daya - July 24, 2021
Very natural hairline.
Tyler Ames - June 23, 2021
Very few comments other than “your hair looks different” in a good way.
Joe Harter - May 25, 2021
Very natural in fact you couldn’t tell that I had a procedure done.
Will Johnson - May 4, 2021
Extremely natural. My hairline was completely reconstructed due to the advanced state of hair loss. My surgeon was able to very naturally replicate my hairline to such an extent that strangers can’t tell.
David Schrumpf - April 27, 2021
I was amazed at the results. Hair was taken from the back of my head and grafts were placed on top. Results were better than I thought.
Josh Mullins - March 17, 2021
Very natural.
Seth Puckett - March 3, 2021
Seamless, nobody would suspect I had the procedure unless I told them.
Ryan Denney - February 23, 2021
Absolutely natural… cannot see any differences.
C.W. - February 18, 2021
My barber couldn’t tell! I never thought I would have been so pleased with the investment.
Kurt Vetters - January 14, 2021
Perfectly natural – indistinguishable from your natural hair.
A.W. - June 26, 2020
I cannot tell that anything was done. Looks like my hair/hairstyle from when I was in my 20s.
Dr. K.A. - June 24, 2020
Incredibly natural look/results – suture line not even noticeable.
K.R. - November 22, 2019
The results are fantastic. No one can tell it was transplanted unless I tell them!
Michael O’Hara - November 5, 2019
Hair feels very natural like it did before my procedure.
Blake Elliott - October 11, 2019
Very natural. No one has said it looks fake.
E.W. - October 3, 2019
Maybe under a microscope, someone with experience could see a difference, but to the naked eye, it looks 100% natural.
Darrin Danhauer - October 2, 2019
I am completely satisfied and pleased with the result. My hairdresser calls me her chia pet.
Bill Lyons - September 10, 2019
The results look extremely natural. They feel natural as well. I receive nothing but compliments.
Jeff Long - September 9, 2019
Very – looking extremely natural, age-appropriate, and indistinguishable from what I would have had I not lost any hair.
Peter Bitar - August 22, 2019
No one except staff and my family even know I had the procedure done. They all assume my hair is its natural self.
MEO - August 16, 2019
It looks just like it did before I started thinning.
J.W. - August 14, 2019
Since the procedure, no one has asked if my hair is not real or fake… just comment on how good it looks!
Nick Yonts - June 28, 2019
Most people just think I grew my hair out because it looks really natural.
Steven Smith - June 17, 2019
The results are great, very natural.
Allen C. - February 20, 2019
The results are very natural. So natural that I referred a friend to have the procedure done as well. He was very impressed with my results.
J.K. - January 29, 2019
Very natural – I feel great!
Kevin Link - January 25, 2019
Completely natural looking. The hairline gets close attention by gradually increasing the hair density. They gave me great advice as to where the hairline should be placed.
Tony M. - January 14, 2019
My results have a very natural look and feel.
G.P. - November 3, 2018
They look very natural.
B.J. - October 10, 2018
Results are very natural. No one can tell the difference, and the compliments on the hair are just extra 🙂
Jay P. - September 29, 2018
The physician takes great care to ensure that the results look natural by starting with building a natural-looking hairline. He then gives even coverage with great density.
Joe Bergen - April 21, 2018
The results look completely natural. It gave me back my hair I had 30 years ago.
Steve M. - April 4, 2018
I have been so impressed with how natural the results look. That was actually one of my biggest concerns prior to the procedure, but the results are fantastic!
Jeff Williams - April 3, 2018
Very natural. The hair did feel a little different as it started to grow in, but it's fine now. I did find it took a little while for me to learn how to style the hair again!
T.M. - March 6, 2018
The transplanted hair is 100% my own, so the look and feel are all natural. In addition, the manner in which the hair is transplanted makes it impossible to tell that it was ever moved or replaced.
Dan Way - March 2, 2018
The results are very natural. My hairline is basically identical to the way it was before I had hair loss.
James Canady - March 1, 2018
100% natural. My hair looks like it did when I was 20! My staff at the clinic tells me to stop wearing my hair like I did when I was 20, but… it's so much fun to be able to do what I want with my hair.
Jean-Paul Etienne - January 5, 2018
Being 4 months post-procedure, I am starting to see the new transplanted hair growing in. My new hairline looks very natural, and the coverage moving back to my crown looks great so far.
Mike - November 10, 2017
Very natural. I think everyone expects it to look like the old plug-type procedure, but it's so natural looking.
Ken Sothman - October 28, 2017
My results are very natural. My friends have noticed and comment that I look healthier and more vibrant.
Randy P. - October 13, 2017
Completely natural. My friends only know I had it done because I told them all!
Ryan Hussy - October 13, 2017
Natural-looking results because the hairs are carefully placed to match the angle and pattern of existing hair. "Seamless" and natural results.
Karl Jerome - August 31, 2017
It looks like I never lost my hair. I’ve had so many comments like "Oh wow, I didn’t know you had hair" or "I really love your hair color!" Since they harvest it from you, there is next to no chance of rejection, and the doctors do such a wonderful job of sketching out a hairline that looks very natural for your individual face. You wash it, cut it, mess it up, color it—whatever. It’s attached to you and looks great.
Ian - August 19, 2017
The hair I have is very natural because, well, it's my own hair.
Justin Anderson - July 8, 2017
Very. All my family and friends say it looks natural. They are as amazed as I am.
Tom Bakken - June 15, 2017
The results are very natural. Before I had the procedure, I was always under a baseball cap. Now, I want people to see my hair. Very happy with my look!
DM - February 10, 2017
The results are completely natural. There are only two people that I have told that I had a transplant. One was my hairstylist—she wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t told her!
Brian - November 12, 2016
Everything about the new look is totally natural-looking since it is my own hair. PAI did a great job of counseling and laying out a plan, so when my new multi-grafts came in, I had the same look from 20 years prior, which was what I wanted.
Rick Hesterberg - October 22, 2016
3500 DePauw Blvd. Suite 2011 Indianapolis, IN 46268. (317) 522-2995