Chris is 28 years old, from Muncie, IN and works in sports marketing at Ball State Unirversity. Intense radiation, to treat a tumor when he was a sophomore in college, took his hair away. “The Dr. told me it would cause my hair to fall out, and it did!” Chris dealt with the stress of hair loss for a number of years before coming to PAI and having Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ to restore both his hairline and crown areas. “Science took my hair away and science bought it back!”
“Its given me the confidence in sales to be the showman I love to be!”– Chris Ulm, Muncie, IN
PAI Medical Group of Indiana ( offers free and private consultations for men and women experiencing all degrees of hair loss, balding, and thinning. Virtual consultations are also offered, which can be done remotely over a computer and telephone. During your consultation, you will learn more about PAI Medical Group’s proven hair restoration solutions available: ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant procedure, Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™ hair transplantation, Enhanced Plasma Therapy, FDA approved Laser Hair Therapy and Micro-Pigmentation.
Take the next step to look & feel your best again! We’d love to help you with your hair restoration goals. If you’d like more information, or to set up a FREE consultation to meet with one of our trained professionals to discuss your concerns and hair loss treatment options, please fill out your email address here.
DISCLAIMER: Treatments may not work for you. Photos and videos are for illustration purposes only. Results may vary and are dependent on the individual patient, the procedure or treatments performed, and compliance with aftercare instructions. The information provided on this website is for general knowledge purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical condition. Professional hair transplantation services are provided by physicians of PAI Medical Group.