Greetings and welcome to the PAI Medical Indiana blog. Our focus and primary goal here is to provide essential tips and information to address your concerns and questions about your hair loss. Serving as a logical extension of what we are all about at PAI Indiana, this blog will hopefully provide essential insights into the world of hair restoration.
If we can restore a little bit of confidence for anyone suffering from hair loss, then our primary objective will have been achieved.
Here are a few tidbits you can expect to engage with here and on our site:
Obviously, the list will expand and be refined as needed, but the larger point is that we are adamant about providing the most pertinent information to help you cope with the effects of hair loss, as well as take the first step to resolving your hair loss once and for all.
Welcome to the PAI Medical Indiana family! Be sure to contact us or leave comments with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. We would love to hear from you, and thank you for taking the time to stop by.
Please call 317.522.2995 or enter your email to request a consultation online.
3500 DePauw Blvd. Suite 2011 Indianapolis, IN 46268. (317) 522-2995