If you’re considering a hair transplant, you might be concerned about what happens after your procedure. How will you look? How will you feel? How long will it take to get back to your normal routine and see improvement?
We’ve laid out the timeline of what you can expect throughout the healing and growth process after an ARTAS Robtotic FUE procedure.
The ARTAS is the world’s most advanced FUE procedure. Because it uses the ARTAS Robot, it has accuracy and precision unmatched by any other FUE procedure. The ARTAS procedure provides natural results and is virtually pain free and minimally invasive.
We Grow Hair Indy is the only hair replacement center in Indiana that offers the ARTAS Robotic FUE transplant.
In the 10 days after your ARTAS procedure, you will continue to see the transplant areas heal, but you might not notice any growth just yet. Check out our client Kyler’s 10-day results to see what to expect:
Kyler is 25 years old and started noticing his hair loss when he was a freshman in college. He had a typical male pattern of loss that resulted in a receding hairline. Kyler decided to get ahead of the hair loss as early as he could, so he came to us for an ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant.
In the video below, you’ll learn more about Kyler’s progression from before his hair transplant through his first 10 days after the procedure. It typically takes 60 – 90 days for the transplanted hairs to get out of the resting phase and start growing but Kyler is showing very early signs of growth at the 10-day mark. It already looks like he’s got a hairline like he’s in high school again!
At 30 days, healing is complete and some early new growth may be starting. Below, you can see the 30 days post-ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant results from client Jason Richey.
This hair transplant procedure was a true honor for us to perform. Lieutenant Jason Richey, of the United States Marine Corp, came to us to address his hair loss. In 2004, he suffered a double brain aneurysm, with the resulting surgery leaving an obvious and unsightly scar in his hairline and frontal area. Check out the photos below to compare before and 30 days after his ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant procedure.
Being a proud Marine, it was important for Jason to maintain his “high and tight” hair style. The ARTAS Robotic FUE procedure allows you to wear your hair virtually at any length in the donor area and not have any indication that a hair transplant procedure was performed.
Four months after a hair transplant, it’s typical to start seeing early stages of growth in the transplanted hairs, even though the hairs are not fully matured yet at this stage. At the four month mark, you can expect about 50% more growth moving forward.
Nick, a We Grow Hair Indy client, grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana and started to notice his receding hairline at 18 years old. He came to see us because he wasn’t prepared to stand by and watch his hair disappear at such an early age.
Below you’ll see Nick’s pictures from before and 4 months after his ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant procedure. The ARTAS procedure is the most advanced FUE hair transplant method in the world and eliminates the human error factor, a common issue with FUE procedures done without the accuracy and reproducibility of the ARTAS Robot. The ARTAS system harvests follicles for transplantation using several advanced algorithms and ensures that the last follicle harvested is of equal quality to the first.
In 12 months, you’ll see your final results. You can expect to have a natural-looking, fuller hairline. Check out these full, 12-month ARTAS Robotic FUE results:
Schedule a consultation to find out if you’re a good fit forARTAS Robotic FUE or another hair restoration option.
DISCLAIMER: Treatments may not work for you. Photos and videos are for illustration purposes only. Results may vary and are dependent on the individual patient, the procedure or treatments performed, and compliance with aftercare instructions. The information provided on this website is for general knowledge purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical condition. Professional hair transplantation services are provided by physicians of PAI Medical Group.
Nick is a young man that started to notice hair loss over the past few years, primarily along his hairline. Nick had an ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant procedure. The ARTAS procedure is the most advanced FUE hair transplant method in the world, and eliminates the human error factor when harvesting the follicles for transplantation using several advanced algorithms for unmatched accuracy and precision.
This is Kyler’s progress about 9 months after his ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant.